
Philip Steele


About Philip Steele

Philip Steele is an experienced author and editor who has been writing books for children and adults on a wide range of topics, including history, geography and cultural themes, for over 20 years. He is the author of educational books such as Kingfisher Readers: Arctic and Antarctic (Level 4: Reading Alone). He lives in North Wales, United Kingdom.

Recent updates about Philip Steele

Richard the Lionheart

Richard the Lionheart was wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France on this day 1199. Why not try Navigators: Knights and Castles by Philip Steele and Steve Stone. Published by Kingfisher.

4 days ago

International Ask a Question Day

Why? Who? What? I Wonder Why Pyramids Were Built answers some questions. By Philip Steele. Published by Kingfisher.

15 days ago

International Women's Day

Biography: Marie Curie by Philip Steele is a great book for #InternationalWomensDay. From ##PublishedBy#.

21 days ago

Howard Carter and Tutankhamun

On this day 1923, Howard Carter opened the inner burial chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, a good time to read I Wonder Why Pyramids Were Built by Philip Steele.

1 month ago

Livia Drusilla (Birthday)

Livia Drusilla, the wife and adviser of the Roman emperor Augustus throughout his reign, was born on this day 58 BC. Brush up on your Roman history with Navigators: Ancient Rome by Philip Steele. Published by Kingfisher.

1 month ago

International Ninja Day

Why not try VS: Warriors by Hannah Wilson. Published by Kingfisher.

3 months ago

Nobel Prize

On this day in 1895, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize. Why not try Biography: Marie Curie by Philip Steele. Published by QED Publishing.

4 months ago

National Non-Fiction November

Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. Kingfisher Readers: Ancient Egyptians (Level 5: Reading Fluently) by Philip Steele from Kingfisher is a great non-fiction read!

4 months ago

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