
Ruth Symons


About Ruth Symons

Ruth Symons is an emerging author and has  recently turned her hand to writing children's books. Ruth has written several QED titles previously, including publications from the 'Spot The..' and the popular 'What If A Dino' series.

Recent updates about Ruth Symons

Valentine's Day

Could there be a better time to read Storytime: What's in Your Pocket by Ruth Symons and Laura Watkins. Published by QED Publishing.

15 days ago

Make A Friend Day

A story all about friendship and friends. What's in Your Pocket? by Ruth Symons from QED Publishing.

18 days ago

Make A Friend Day

A book all about friends... Storytime: What's in Your Pocket by Ruth Symons from QED Publishing.

18 days ago

Valentine's Day

This month is all about the heart so why not start it off with Storytime: What's in Your Pocket by Ruth Symons and Laura Watkins from QED Publishing.

28 days ago

National Storytelling Week

Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Storytime: What's in Your Pocket from QED Publishing from Ruth Symons is a great one to read together.

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. What's in Your Pocket? from QED Publishing from Ruth Symons is a great one to read together.

1 month ago

World Children's Day

Amazing!!! What's in Your Pocket? by Ruth Symons. Published by QED Publishing.

3 months ago

World Children's Day

Loving Storytime: What's in Your Pocket by Ruth Symons from QED Publishing.

3 months ago

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