Author & Illustrator
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HOLLY STERLING was born in Dublin and grew up in southern England. She studied Illustration and Design at the University of Sunderland, and is currently studying for an MFA in Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art. She was Highly Commended for the Macmillan Illustration Prize in 2013, and winner of the Seven Stories/Frances Lincoln Illustration Competition in 2012. Holly also competes for her country in karate; she is a double National Champion and Gold and Bronze medallist from the WSKA World Championships. She lives near Sunderland. '15 Things Not to do with a Baby' was her first published picture book. Her second book, 'Hiccups!', will be published by Frances Lincoln in 2016.
Everybody Feels Jealous
Everybody Feels Lonely
Everybody Feels Shy
Everybody Feels Worried
Everybody Feels Happy!
Everybody Feels Scared!
Everybody Feels Sad!
Everybody Feels Angry!
15 Things Not To Do With a Granny
15 Things Not to Do with a Baby
Everybody Feels Scared
Everybody Feels Sad
Everybody Feels Happy
Everybody Feels Angry
15 Things Not To Do With A Puppy
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Everybody Feels Sad by Moira Butterfield from QED Publishing
1 month ago
Everybody Feels Happy by Moira Butterfield from QED Publishing is a great Saturday read.
Everybody Feels Sad by Moira Butterfield from QED Publishing is a great Saturday read.
Everybody Feels Scared by Moira Butterfield from QED Publishing is a great Saturday read.
Why not try Everybody Feels Angry by Moira Butterfield. Published by QED Publishing.
3 months ago
Loving Everybody Feels Happy by Moira Butterfield from QED Publishing.
Everybody Feels Sad is a wonderful book for your children. Published by QED Publishing.
Could there be a better time to read Everybody Feels Scared by Moira Butterfield. Published by QED Publishing.
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