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MARGARET McALLISTER is and award-winning author who comes from the north-east of England. Before writing full-time she taught drama and dance, cleaned churches and worked in a retreat house. She is married to Tony and has three grown-up children. This is her first book for Frances Lincoln.
15 Things Not To Do With a Granny
15 Things Not to Do with a Baby
15 Things Not To Do With A Puppy
A family read...15 Things Not to Do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
10 months ago
15 Things Not to Do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister from Frances Lincoln Children's Books. A great outdoors read to start #NationalGardeningWeek.
Could there be a better time to read 15 Things Not to Do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
5 years ago
Could there be a better time to read 15 Things Not To Do With a Granny by Margaret McAllister. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
Could there be a better time to read 15 Things Not to Do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister.
15 Things Not To Do With a Granny by Margaret McAllister from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a great holiday read!
15 Things Not to Do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a great holiday read!
Out now! 15 Things Not To Do With A Puppy by Margaret McAllister, illustrated by Margaret McAllister. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
7 years ago
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