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Adam Kay is a former doctor who has written five million books and sold seven copies. No, hang on – he’s written seven books and sold five million copies. His debut book, This is Going to Hurt, is a literary sensation: a Sunday Times number one bestseller for over a year, winning a record-breaking four National Book Awards and selling over 3 million copies. Kay adapted This is Going to Hurt as a BAFTA-winning comedy-drama series for the BBC. Adam Kay’s children’s books have been translated into 29 languages and sold over 1 million copies, making him one of the UK’s bestselling children’s authors. Kay’s Anatomy became the fastest-selling children’s general non-fiction hardback of the decade. His first picture book, Amy Gets Eaten, was published in 2023, and his first children’s novel, Dexter Procter the Ten-Year-Old Doctor, was published in September 2024.
Kay's Marvellous Medicine
Kay's Anatomy
Untitled Forthcoming
Adam Kay Bundle
Amy Gets Eaten
Kay's Brilliant Brains
Kay’s Incredible Inventions
Dexter Procter the 10-Year-Old Doctor
Why not get your brain into gear with this activity book, Kay's Marvellous Medicine. Written by Adam Kay, published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
Why not get your brain into gear with this activity book, Kay's Marvellous Medicine. Written by Adam Kay, published by Puffin.
Dexter Procter the 10-Year-Old Doctor by Adam Kay from Penguin Random House Children's UK is the perfect friendship story.
29 days ago
On this day in 1877, inventor Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph for the first time. A good time to read Kay's Brilliant Brains by Adam Kay. Published by Puffin.
3 months ago
Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. Kay's Anatomy by Adam Kay from Penguin Random House Children's UK is a great non-fiction read!
Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. Kay's Anatomy by Adam Kay from Puffin is a great non-fiction read!
You should read Kay's Anatomy by Adam Kay. Published by Puffin.
Loving Kay’s Incredible Inventions by Adam Kay from Penguin Random House Children's UK.
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