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Described as 'a national treasure' by the Independent and as 'one of life's fact-finders' by the Scotsman, Philip Ardagh has written books on subjects ranging from archaeology to space flight, and has still found time to write the bestselling Eddie Dickens children's novels, now translated into over thirty languages, to review children's books for the Guardian ('on a regularly irregular basis') and to appear at events and festivals around the world. He won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize in 2009. He is married with one son.
Grubtown Tales: Stinking Rich and Just Plain Stinky
The Truth About Cats (PB)
The Further Adventures of Eddie Dickens
The Eddie Dickens Trilogy
Grubtown Tales: The Wrong End of the Dog
Grubtown Tales: Splash, Crash and Loads of Cash
Grubtown Tales: The Far From Great Escape
Grubtown Tales: Trick Eggs and Rubber Chickens
Grubtown Tales: The Year that it Rained Cows
Final Curtain
The Silly Side of Sherlock Holmes
High in the Clouds
The Not-So-Very-Nice-Goings-On at Victoria Lodge
Awful End
Terrible Times
The Archaeologists' Handbook
Why are Castles Castle-Shaped?
Philip Ardagh's Book of Kings, Queens, Emperors and Rotten Wart-Nosed Commoners
Philip Ardagh's Book of Howlers, Blunders and Random Mistakery
Philip Ardagh's book of absolutely useless lists for absolutely every day of the year
Wow! Events that changed the world
Wow! Ideas that changed the world
The Truth About Cats
The Truth About Fairies
Wow! Inventions
Wow! Discoveries
The Truth About Love
The Truth About Christmas
Get A Life! Bind-Up (PB)
Wow Bind-Up (PB)
History Detectives:The Romans
History Detectives: Ancient Greece
History Detectives: Ancient Egypt
Get a Life! 7
Get A Life 6
Get a Life! 3: Julius Caesar
History Detectives: Aztecs
What's in the Truck?
Richard the Lionheart was wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France on this day 1199. Why not try Why are Castles Castle-Shaped? by Philip Ardagh. Published by Faber & Faber.
4 days ago
Loving Awful End by Philip Ardagh from Faber & Faber.
9 days ago
The Not-So-Very-Nice-Goings-On at Victoria Lodge is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Faber & Faber.
Grubtown Tales: Splash, Crash and Loads of Cash is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Faber & Faber.
Philip Ardagh's Book of Kings, Queens, Emperors and Rotten Wart-Nosed Commoners by Philip Ardagh from Macmillan Children's Books is brilliant!
Could there be a better time to read High in the Clouds by Philip Ardagh. Published by Faber & Faber.
Have a giggle with The Truth About Fairies by Philip Ardagh. From Macmillan Children's Books.
10 days ago
Why? Who? What? Wow! Ideas that changed the world answers some questions. By Philip Ardagh. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
15 days ago
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