


About Ninamasina

Ninamasina (aka Anna Masini) has degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Cinematography. By day, she worked for a video production company, while taking drawing and printing techniques classes by night. Now, she works as a freelance illustrator. Her books have been published around the world. When she's not illustrating, she's busy running her own self-publishing label called Red Boots, and collaborating with theatre companies in scenography, puppetry and live painting. She lives and works in Milan, Italy.

Recent updates about Ninamasina

David Grossman and Ninamasina

Out now! Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman, illustrated by Ninamasina. Published by Andersen.

8 days ago

Valentine's Day

Could there be a better time to read Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman and Ninamasina. Published by Andersen.

28 days ago

Valentine's Day

This month is all about the heart so why not start it off with Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman and Ninamasina from Andersen.

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Every Wrinkle has a Story from Andersen from David Grossman is a great one to read together.

1 month ago

David Grossman and Ninamasina

Out now! Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman, illustrated by Ninamasina. Published by Andersen.

9 months ago

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