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Ninamasina (aka Anna Masini) has degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Cinematography. By day, she worked for a video production company, while taking drawing and printing techniques classes by night. Now, she works as a freelance illustrator. Her books have been published around the world. When she's not illustrating, she's busy running her own self-publishing label called Red Boots, and collaborating with theatre companies in scenography, puppetry and live painting. She lives and works in Milan, Italy.
Every Wrinkle has a Story
Out now! Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman, illustrated by Ninamasina. Published by Andersen.
8 days ago
Could there be a better time to read Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman and Ninamasina. Published by Andersen.
28 days ago
This month is all about the heart so why not start it off with Every Wrinkle has a Story by David Grossman and Ninamasina from Andersen.
1 month ago
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Every Wrinkle has a Story from Andersen from David Grossman is a great one to read together.
9 months ago
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