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Niamh Sharkey, an award-winning Irish illustrator. She was the Laureate na n�g or Irish Laureate for Children's Literature_from 2012 to 2014, and is currently the creator and executive producer of Disney Junior�s television series Henry Hugglemonster, which is based on her book I�m a Happy Hugglewug. She has also illustrated Jack and the Beanstalk, The Gigantic Turnip and Tales of Wisdom and Wonder for Barefoot Books.
Jack and the Beanstalk BC w CD
Tales from Old Ireland BC w CD
Gigantic Turnip BC
Gigantic Turnip BC w CD, The
Tales From Old Ireland BC
5th class pupils from Scoil Thomais made a winter wonderland based on my picture book Santasaurus. It is SO amazing! I have a tear in my eye watching this. Happy Christmas everyone :) @BIGPictureBooks Thanks to #Scoilthomais for sharing with me
3 years ago
St. Patrick's Day!!! Celebrate with Tales From Old Ireland BC by Malachy Doyle and Niamh Sharkey from Barefoot Books.
4 years ago
Jack and the Beanstalk BC w CD by Richard Walker from Barefoot Books it's a wonderful book for your children
5 years ago
How do you and your kids relax? Why not read Tales from Old Ireland BC w CD by Malachy Doyle from Barefoot Books
My new kids’ novel Evie and the Animals is out in just over a week. I wanted to write a fun book for kids that was also about saving animals and the environment. I dedicated it to young climate activists and kicked off with my fave quote.
Happy St Patricks Day! Read some stories about or from Ireland in this book Tales from Old Ireland BC w CD. By Malachy Doyle, published by Barefoot Books.
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Jack and the Beanstalk BC w CD from Barefoot Books from Richard Walker is a great one to read together.
6 years ago
Out now! Gigantic Turnip PB w CD, The by Aleksei Tolstoy, illustrated by Aleksei Tolstoy. Published by Barefoot Books.
18 years ago
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