
Leon Garfield


Leon Garfield books

Recent updates about Leon Garfield

Romeo and Juliet

According to William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet were married on March 11th 1302, try Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield. Published by Puffin.


Romeo and Juliet

According to William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet were married on March 11th 1302, try Shakespeare Stories II by Leon Garfield. Published by Puffin.


Love Your Pet Day

The Boy and the Monkey by Leon Garfield is a great way to celebrate your pets! From Red Fox Classics.

20 days ago

Valentine's Day

Discover Bostock and Harris by Leon Garfield. Published by Red Fox Classics.

26 days ago

Valentine's Day

Bostock and Harris is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.

26 days ago

Valentine's Day

#ValentinesDay tomorrow, so why not read Bostock and Harris by Leon Garfield from Penguin Random House Children's UK.

27 days ago

Valentine's Day

#ValentinesDay tomorrow, so why not read Bostock and Harris by Leon Garfield from Red Fox Classics.

27 days ago

Make A Friend Day

A story all about friendship and friends. The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris by Leon Garfield from Penguin Random House Children's UK.

29 days ago

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