
Jenny Slater


About Jenny Slater

Jenny Slater is a cartographic editor, consultant and project manager with over twenty-five years’ experience in the cartographic, geographic, and environmental fields. She is also a Fellow of the British Cartographic Society.

Recent updates about Jenny Slater

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater from QED Publishing

14 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater from QED Publishing

24 days ago

Europe Day

There is so much to learn about the world we live in so why not find out more about the world we live in with Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater published by QED Publishing. 

2 months ago

Out Now!

Out now! Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater, illustrated by Jenny Slater. Published by QED Publishing.

9 years ago

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