
Connie Glynn


About Connie Glynn

Connie Glynn has always loved writing and wrote her first story when she was six, with her mum at a typewriter acting as her scribe. She had a love for performing stories from a young age and attended Guildhall drama classes as a teenager. This passion for stories has never left her, and Connie recently finished a degree in film theory.

It was at university that Connie started her hugely successful YouTube channel Noodlerella (named after her favourite food and favourite Disney princess). After five years of publicly documenting her life and hobbies to an audience of 900,000 subscribers on YouTube, Connie closed the book on the Noodlerella project in a bid for more privacy and to pursue her original passions in the performing arts. Connie now writes music and fiction full- time.

Follow Connie on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr @ConnieGlynn

Recent updates about Connie Glynn

Connie Glynn

Out now! The Cursed Melodies by Connie Glynn. Published by Penguin.

6 days ago

International Friendship Month

End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Princess in Practice by Connie Glynn. Published by Penguin.

12 days ago

International Friendship Month

End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Princess at Heart by Connie Glynn. Published by Penguin.

12 days ago

International Friendship Month

End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Princess Ever After by Connie Glynn. Published by Penguin.

12 days ago

Make A Friend Day

A story all about friendship and friends. Princess at Heart by Connie Glynn from Penguin.

29 days ago

Make A Friend Day

Princess in Practice by Connie Glynn from Penguin is the perfect friendship story.

29 days ago

Make A Friend Day

Princess Ever After by Connie Glynn from Penguin is the perfect friendship story.

29 days ago

Valentine's Day

With February comes Valentine's Day so why not get ahead by reading Undercover Princess by Connie Glynn from Penguin.

1 month ago

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