
Chao Tayiana


About Chao Tayiana

Chao Tayiana is a Kenyan digital humanities scholar and historian. For Chao, history is both a restorative and revolutionary act: a communion with her ancestors and a constant dialogue with the realities of her present. She is a co-founder of the Museum of British Colonialism, a volunteer collective working to communicate a more truthful account of British colonial history, where she leads digital engagement. She is also also a co-founder of the Open Restitution Africa project, an Africa-led initiative seeking to open up access to information on restitution of African material culture and human ancestors.

Recent updates about Chao Tayiana

Radhika Natarajan, Chao Tayiana and Alexander Mostov

Out now! Hear Our Voices by Radhika Natarajan and Chao Tayiana, illustrated by Alexander Mostov. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.

9 months ago

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