
Susan McNally


About Susan McNally

Susan McNally's love of books and strange make-believe worlds began in her childhood in the North of England. Her parents weregreat storytellers, recounting ghost stories and fairy tales that ignited her lifelong love of the fantasy and mystery genres. Susan wanted to recreate this world, to take readers on a magical adventure and so began the idea for The Morrow Secrets, a dark spellbinding trilogy of intrigue, magic and suspense. Susan lives with her husband in North London.

Recent updates about Susan McNally

Tell the truth day

A book all about the truth The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Morrow Secrets by Susan McNally from Sweet Cherry Publishing 

8 months ago

Fairy Tales

On this day 1835, the first instalment of Hans Christian Andersen "Fairy Tales" was published in Denmark. Why not try The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Dark Spell by Susan McNally and Luke Spooner. Published by Sweet Cherry Publishing.

10 months ago


Amazing!!! The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Dark Spell by Susan McNally. Published by Sweet Cherry Publishing.

5 years ago


The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Morrow Secrets by Susan McNally from Sweet Cherry Publishing is brilliant!

5 years ago

Fairy Tales....

Magical and Adventurous...The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Dark Spell by Susan McNally from Sweet Cherry Publishing

6 years ago

Fantasy Books..

Sometime there is nothing better than getting lost in another world, another time and another place. Why not read The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Dark Spell by Susan McNally from Sweet Cherry Publishing

6 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Dark Spell by Susan McNally, illustrated by Susan McNally. Published by Sweet Cherry Publishing.

9 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! The Morrow Secrets Trilogy - The Morrow Secrets by Susan McNally, illustrated by Susan McNally. Published by Sweet Cherry Publishing.

11 years ago

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