
Saskia Gwinn

About Saskia Gwinn

Saskia Gwinn has spent nearly 20 years carefully crafting beautiful books to inspire kids of all ages. She has worked as Head of Children's Non-fiction for Bloomsbury Publishing, as Editorial Director for A&C Black and as Editor for educational publishers and magazines. She has written and published award-winning books for every age and on every topic from how time began to the silliest things in the world today. Saskia lives in Hertfordshire with her two boys who hope dinosaurs will one day revisit Earth but, in the meantime, tells them that everything on the planet has an equally exciting story to tell.

Recent updates about Saskia Gwinn

Saskia Gwinn and Adam Ming

7 days to go until I'm Building a Nest is released, illustrated by Adam Mingand written by Saskia Gwinn. Published by Happy Yak.


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