Author & Illustrator
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Sarah Dellow is a Graphic Design graduate and a member of the editorial team. She has a passion for illustration, typography, and promoting inclusivity, which she incorporates into her work in book production and project management. Sarah has illustrated a number of Child's Play books including the Now You See It! series.
Pat A Cake
Ten Little Fingers
This Little Piggy
Five Little Ducks
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
If You're Happy and You Know It
Pop a Little Pancake
Ay, Tirirín/Hey Diddle Diddle
Diez Deditos/Ten Little Fingers
Este Cerdito/This Little Piggy
Haz un Pastel/Pat A Cake
Now you See It! Meadow
Now you See It! Rainforest
Now you See It! River
Now you See It! Ocean
Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y deditos de los pies/Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Cinco patitos/Five Little Ducks
Dis ti dwèt piti/Ten Little Fingers
¡Haz un panqueque!/Pop a Little Pancake!
¡Si eres feliz y lo sabes!/If You’re Happy and You Know It!
Si kè ou kontan epi ou konn sa! /If You’re Happy and You Know It!
Tèt, zepòl, jenou, zòtèy/Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Ti kochon sa a/This Little Piggy
Kawotchou bis la/The Wheels on the Bus
Leve ti lapen/Sleeping Bunnies
Senk ti kàna/Five Little Ducks
Zoum, zoum, zoum!/Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
En la estación/Down by the Station
Rema, rema, rema, tu bote/Row Row Row Your Boat
Cinco pequeños dinosaurios/Five Enormous Dinosaurs
Down by the Station
Hop a Little
Row Row Row Your Boat
Salta un poquito/Hop a Little
Anba nan estasyon an/Down by the Station
Fè yon ti sote!/Hop a Little!
Rame, rame, rame bato ou/Row Row Row Your Boat
Senk gwo gwo gwo dinozò/Five Enormous Dinosaurs
A remarkable book that your children will love. Haz un Pastel/Pat A Cake by Annie Kubler.
25 days ago
Smile!!! If You're Happy and You Know It by Annie Kubler from Child's Play (International) Ltd is brilliant!
2 months ago
Smile!!! ¡Si eres feliz y lo sabes!/If You’re Happy and You Know It! by Annie Kubler from Child's Play (International) Ltd is brilliant!
This book is sure to make you smile! Si kè ou kontan epi ou konn sa! /If You’re Happy and You Know It! by Annie Kubler, published by Child's Play (International) Ltd.
Out now! Rema, rema, rema, tu bote/Row Row Row Your Boat by Annie Kubler and Sarah Dellow, illustrated by Annie Kubler. Published by Child's Play (International) Ltd.
Out now! En la estación/Down by the Station by Annie Kubler and Sarah Dellow, illustrated by Annie Kubler. Published by Child's Play (International) Ltd.
Why not try Tèt, zepòl, jenou, zòtèy/Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes by Annie Kubler. Published by Child's Play (International) Ltd.
Why not try Senk ti kàna/Five Little Ducks by Annie Kubler. Published by Child's Play (International) Ltd.
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