
Roger Lancelyn Green


About Roger Lancelyn Green

Roger Lancelyn Green was born in 1918. He loved storytelling and was fascinated by traditional fairy tales, myths and legends from around the world. His retellings include Egyptian, Greek and Norse legends, plus a retelling of Robin Hood. He died in 1987.

Recent updates about Roger Lancelyn Green

Trojan Horse

On this day 1184 BC, the Greeks entered Troy using the Trojan Horse. What better time than now to read Tales of the Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green from Puffin.

10 months ago

Howard Carter and Tutankhamun

On this day 1923, Howard Carter opened the inner burial chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, a good time to read Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green.

3 years ago

Howard Carter and Tutankhamun

On this day 1923, Howard Carter opened the inner burial chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, a good time to read Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green.

3 years ago

Trojan Horse

On this day 1184 BC, the Greeks entered Troy using the Trojan Horse. What better time than now to read Tales of the Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green from Puffin Classics.

4 years ago

Trojan Horse

On this day 1184 BC, the Greeks entered Troy using the Trojan Horse. What better time than now to read Tales of the Greek Heroes (Film Tie-in) by Roger Lancelyn Green from Puffin.

4 years ago

Trojan Horse

On this day 1184 BC, the Greeks entered Troy using the Trojan Horse. What better time than now to read Tales of the Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green from Puffin.

4 years ago

Roger Lancelyn  Green and Arthur Hall

Out now! The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green, illustrated by Arthur Hall. Published by Puffin.

4 years ago

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