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Rebecca Stead grew up in New York City where she lives today with her husband and two sons. Rebecca used to be a lawyer and wrote books for adults before turning to younger fiction. Her second book for children, When You Reach Me, won the Newbery Medal 2010, and her follow-up, Liar and Spy, was the winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize. She now combines her writing with work as a literary agent
Goodbye Stranger
First Light
Liar and Spy
When You Reach Me
The List of Things That Will Not Change
End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead. Published by Andersen Digital.
12 days ago
End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead. Published by Andersen.
Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead from Andersen Digital is the perfect friendship story.
29 days ago
Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead from Andersen is the perfect friendship story.
The List of Things That Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead from Andersen Digital is the perfect read to celebrate #WorldMarriageDay.
1 month ago
The List of Things That Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead from Andersen is the perfect read to celebrate #WorldMarriageDay.
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead from Andersen Digital
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead from Andersen
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