
Rebecca Donovan


Recent updates about Rebecca Donovan

Chocolate Cake Day

And with cake often come presents...What If by Rebecca Donovan from Penguin 

7 months ago

Valentine's Day

A remarkable book that your children will love. What If by Rebecca Donovan.

4 years ago

Valentine's Day

A brilliant young adult read all about love. What If by Rebecca Donovan. Published by Penguin.

4 years ago

Valentine's Day

With February comes Valentine's Day so why not get ahead by reading What If by Rebecca Donovan from Penguin.

4 years ago


Reason to Breathe (The Breathing Series #1) by Rebecca Donovan from Penguin is brilliant!

5 years ago

Rebecca Donovan

Pooh sat down on the stone in the middle of the stream and sang his song. The sun was so delightfully warm, and the stone was so warm too, that Pooh decided to go on being Pooh in the middle of the stream for the rest of the morning. ~A.A.Milne

5 years ago

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