
Nicholas Stevenson


About Nicholas Stevenson

Young London-based illustrator NICHOLAS STEVENSON's won silver at the 2013 Serco Prize. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Anorak Magazine and Urban Outfitters. 

Recent updates about Nicholas Stevenson

Festival of British Archaeology

What happened in the past? Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long from Wide Eyed Editions

14 days ago

International Museums Day

Read Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long from Wide Eyed Editions to delve into the past!

2 months ago

Local and Community History Month

A book to enjoy and add to your bookshelves... Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long from Wide Eyed Editions.

2 months ago

Festival of British Archaeology

What happened in the past? Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long from Wide Eyed Editions

1 year ago

Howard Carter and Tutankhamun

On this day 1923, Howard Carter opened the inner burial chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, a good time to read Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long and Nicholas Stevenson.

2 years ago

Schrödinger's cat

On the 29th November 1935, Physicist Erwin Schrödinger published his thought experiment "Schrödinger's cat". Could there be a better time to read Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.

4 years ago

Quantum theory of light

On November 14, 1908 Albert Einstein presented his quantum theory of light. Why not read Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.

4 years ago

Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days! Diary of a Time Traveller by David Long from Wide Eyed Editions is brilliant!

4 years ago

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