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Martine Murray was born in Melbourne and still lives there. She started writing because she thought it would be a good idea to learn a practical skill like typing. Apart from discovering a lot about waitressing, cooking rice and yoga, she has spent most of her time studying impractical things (like art, acrobatics and dance).
Henrietta Gets a Letter
Henrietta (the great go-getter)
Cedar B. Hartley: Flying High
Cedar B. Hartley: Upside Down
The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley
Could there be a better time to read Henrietta by Martine Murray. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
2 months ago
This book is sure to make you smile! Henrietta (the great go-getter) by Martine Murray, published by Macmillan Children's Books.
Read Cedar B. Hartley: Flying High by Martine Murray from Macmillan Children's Books - perfect for today!
3 months ago
A magical read today in Henrietta Gets a Letter by Martine Murray from Macmillan Children's Books 🧚
4 months ago
Get happy with Henrietta (the great go-getter) by Martine Murray. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
So why not read Cedar B. Hartley: Flying High by Martine Murray from Macmillan Children's Books
Henrietta (the great go-getter) by Martine Murray from Macmillan Children's Books - a book perfect for today!
A book about people Cedar B. Hartley: Upside Down by Martine Murray from Macmillan Children's Books
5 months ago
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