Henrietta (the great go-getter)

Martine Murray Martine Murray

About the book

Henrietta really is a great go-getter, and thank goodness, because she and her friends have an absolute EMERGENCY DILEMMA to attend to. The Rietta is a spotty kind of creature that HOOTS when it’s happy, but the one in Henrietta’s bedroom is so lost and sad its spots have started to fade. So Henrietta, her best friend Olive Higgie and even baby brother Albert set sail on another bathtime adventure to find the Rietta a new home. Despite all the obstacles along the way, Henrietta won't give up until the Rietta is all better again.

Packed with high jinks and sheer hullaballo!

Publication Date
06 June 2008

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Henrietta (the great go-getter) - Jacket

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