
Louis Growell


About Louis Growell

Louis Growell lives in the UK and is the author of Jack and the Giant Tantrum and Mina and the Big Bite.

Recent updates about Louis Growell

Camera Day

Jack and the Giant Tantrum by Louis Growell from Penguin Random House Children's UK is a picture perfect read

28 days ago

Summer Solstice - Longest Day of the Year

Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. Read about time in Jack and the Giant Tantrum by Louis Growell from Penguin Random House Children's UK

1 month ago

Summer Solstice - Longest Day of the Year

Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. Read about time in Jack and the Giant Tantrum by Louis Growell from Ladybird

1 month ago

World Dracula Day

Jack and the Giant Tantrum by Louis Growell from Penguin Random House Children's UK really is a monster book!

2 months ago

Chris Jevons and Louis Growell

Out now! Mina and the Big Bite by Chris Jevons and Louis Growell. Published by Ladybird.

1 year ago

Louis Growell and Chris Jevons

Out now! Jack and the Giant Tantrum by Louis Growell, illustrated by Chris Jevons. Published by Ladybird.

2 years ago

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