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Laura Powell, who may or may not be a direct descendant of King Arthur, was born in London, but grew up in the shadow of Carreg Cennen Castle in Wales. Much of her childhood was either spent with her nose firmly in a book, or plotting to escape her boarding school, which she hated. Having studied Classics at university, she now spends her time working for the English National Ballet and writing. Her books include historical children's mysteries The Last Duchess and The Lost Island. She lives in Camberwell with her husband and young son.
The Lost Island
The Last Duchess
End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading The Last Duchess by Laura Powell. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
10 days ago
The Last Duchess by Laura Powell from Macmillan Children's Books is the perfect friendship story.
27 days ago
The Last Duchess, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Laura Powell, published by Macmillan Children's Books.
5 months ago
Today is the day to read this brilliant book (not that you needed an excuse!), The Lost Island by Laura Powell from Macmillan Children's Books.
4 years ago
What better book than The Last Duchess by Laura Powell to stay inside and get lost in! From Macmillan Children's Books.
5 years ago
What better book than The Lost Island by Laura Powell to stay inside and get lost in! From Macmillan Children's Books.
A royal birthday! Richard III was born on this day in 1452. The Last Duchess by Laura Powell from Macmillan Children's Books is brilliant!
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