
Katrin Wiehle


About Katrin Wiehle

Katrin Wiehle is a children's book illustrator and has spent most of her life living in Germany. Her book, Mein kleiner Wald, was given the award of most beautiful book by Stiftung Buchkunst in 2013. Katrin has since moved to Atlanta, USA, where she lives with her husband and two cats. Notable clients Katrin has worked with include Google and QED Publishing.

Recent updates about Katrin Wiehle

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater from QED Publishing

14 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater from QED Publishing

24 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Children's Animal Atlas by Barbara Taylor from QED Publishing

24 days ago

Europe Day

There is so much to learn about the world we live in so why not find out more about the world we live in with Children's Activity Atlas by Jenny Slater published by QED Publishing. 

2 months ago

Europe Day

There is so much to learn about the world we live in so why not find out more about the world we live in with Children's Animal Atlas by Barbara Taylor published by QED Publishing. 

2 months ago

Budding scientist?

Budding scientist? You should read Children's Animal Atlas by Barbara Taylor. Published by QED Publishing.

4 years ago

The Perfect Read

Children's Animal Atlas by Barbara Taylor from QED Publishing is a wonderful book for your children

4 years ago

Have fun!

Why not try Children's Dinosaur Atlas by John Malam from QED Publishing

4 years ago

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