
Jessica Sanders


About Jessica Sanders

Growing up, Jessica Sanders was always the tallest student in her class, and struggled to accept and love her body. When she was 12, her mother signed her up to play volleyball knowing her height would be celebrated and an advantage. Jessica soon learned that different bodies brought different skills to the team and all these bodies were valued. After leaving high-school, Jessica travelled solo to many countries and climbed some of the world's highest mountains, always carrying a heavy pack that made her grateful for her strong body. Over time, and through the ups and downs of life's tough lessons, Jessica grew to love and celebrate her body. Inspired by her own journey, Jessica wrote Love Your Body to educate and empower young girls with the message of self-love. Jessica is an author, advocate and social worker. She has volunteered for several women's rights organizations, supported women and children fleeing family violence, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in alliance with African women fighting for their rights to land, and lectured at schools teaching the importance of respect for self and others. Currently Jessica works at the Butterfly Foundation where she educates young people on the importance of positive body image.

Jessica Sanders books

Recent updates about Jessica Sanders

International Women's Day

Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders and Carol Rossetti is a great book for #InternationalWomensDay. From ##PublishedBy#.

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Jessica Sanders and Carol Rossetti

Out now! Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders, illustrated by Carol Rossetti. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

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Valentine's Day

With February comes Valentine's Day so why not get ahead by reading Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

You'll love Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

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International Day of the Girl

Love Your Body, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Jessica Sanders, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

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Love Your Body is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

5 years ago

National Fitness Day

Love fitness. Love Love Your Body. By Jessica Sanders, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

5 years ago

World Para Swimming Championships

Good luck to everyone at World Para Swimming Championships. Could there be a better time to read Love Your Body. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

5 years ago

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