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Jenny Pearson has been awarded six mugs, one fridge magnet, one wall plaque and numerous cards for her role as Best Teacher in the World.When she is not busy being inspirational in the classroom, she would like nothing more than to relax with her two young boys, but she can't as they view her as a human climbing frame.Her first novel, The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and the Costa Book Award, and won the Laugh Out Loud Book Award.Her other titles are The Incredible Record Smashers, Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List and Operation Nativity. With Sam Copeland, she has also written Tuchus & Topps Investigate: The Underpants of Chaos and Tuchus & Topps Investigate: The Attack of the Robot Librarians.
The Underpants of Chaos
The Attack of the Robot Librarians
Could there be a better time to read The Underpants of Chaos by Sam Copeland from Puffin
6 months ago
Could there be a better time to read The Underpants of Chaos by Sam Copeland from Penguin Random House Children's UK
Read The Attack of the Robot Librarians by Sam Copeland from Puffin a really weird read!
A book all about the truth The Attack of the Robot Librarians by Sam Copeland from Penguin Random House Children's UK
8 months ago
Out now! The Attack of the Robot Librarians by Sam Copeland and Jenny Pearson, illustrated by Katie Kear. Published by Puffin.
1 year ago
Out now! The Underpants of Chaos by Sam Copeland and Jenny Pearson. Published by Puffin.
2 years ago
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