
Beatriz Castro


About Beatriz Castro

Beatriz Castro's books have been published all over the world, her illustrations appearing in textbooks, picture books and on covers. She is also the illustrator of Jessica Townsend's bestselling and Waterstones Prize-winning Nevermoor. Beatriz lives in Spain.

Recent updates about Beatriz Castro

Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, learn about the impact plastic has with Hope Jones Will Not Eat Meat by Josh Lacey and Beatriz Castro from Andersen Digital.

2 days ago

Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, learn about the impact plastic has with Hope Jones Will Not Eat Meat by Josh Lacey and Beatriz Castro from Andersen.

2 days ago

Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, learn about the impact plastic has with Hope Jones Clears the Air by Josh Lacey and Beatriz Castro from Andersen Digital.

2 days ago

Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, learn about the impact plastic has with Hope Jones Clears the Air by Josh Lacey and Beatriz Castro from Andersen.

2 days ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Beyond Platform 13 by Sibéal Pounder from Macmillan Children's Books

14 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Hope Jones Will Not Eat Meat by Josh Lacey from Andersen Digital

24 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Hope Jones Will Not Eat Meat by Josh Lacey from Andersen

24 days ago

National Share-a-Story Month

Who doesn't love storytime. Curl up with your kids and Beyond Platform 13. The perfect read for storytime! Sibéal Pounder from Macmillan Children's Books.

2 months ago

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