
Jade Orlando


About Jade Orlando

Jade Orlando is an award-winning illustrator working in Atlanta, Georgia. Her colourful illustrations are featured in books, apparel, advertising and licensing, with clients including Hallmark, Simon & Schuster, and the ACLU. Jade lives in the 'burbs with her husband, three cats, and a Greyhound named Petra. When she's not illustrating, you can usually find her curled up with her pets and a really good book.

Recent updates about Jade Orlando

Universal One Voice Day

Activists Assemble: We Are All Equal! by Shannon Weber from Macmillan Children's Books


Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, learn about the impact plastic has with Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare and Jade Orlando from Macmillan Children's Books.

2 days ago

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Activists Assemble: We Are All Equal! by Shannon Weber from Macmillan Children's Books 

7 days ago

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare from Macmillan Children's Books 

7 days ago

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare from Macmillan Children's Books - Take off with this amazing book!

11 days ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare from Macmillan Children's Books

14 days ago

World Population Day

Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare from Macmillan Children's Books

16 days ago

Superman Day

A heroic read for a super day! Activists Assemble - Save Your Planet by Ben Hoare from Macmillan Children's Books 

1 month ago

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