
Isabelle Follath


About Isabelle Follath

Isabelle Follath lives in Zurich, Switzerland with her husband, her daughter and her dog. She has been working as a freelance illustrator for advertising agencies, magazines and publishers for over 15 years, but Joy is her first picture book for children. Her work mainly uses ink, pencils and watercolour, alongside digital techniques.

Recent updates about Isabelle Follath

Kate Davies and Isabelle Follath

Out now! A Mystery at the Incredible Hotel by Kate Davies, illustrated by Isabelle Follath. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

23 days ago

Superman Day

A heroic read for a super day! Arthur Who Wrote Sherlock by Linda Bailey from Andersen 

1 month ago

Kate Davies and Isabelle Follath

Out now! A Mystery at the Incredible Hotel by Kate Davies, illustrated by Isabelle Follath. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

10 months ago

Linda Bailey and Isabelle Follath

Out now! Arthur Who Wrote Sherlock by Linda Bailey, illustrated by Isabelle Follath. Published by Andersen.

1 year ago

Kate Davies and Isabelle Follath

Out now! The Incredible Hotel by Kate Davies and Isabelle Follath,. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

3 years ago

Kate Davies and Isabelle Follath

Out now! The Incredible Hotel by Kate Davies, illustrated by Kate Davies. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

4 years ago

National Cake Day (US)

You should read The Incredible Hotel by Kate Davies. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

4 years ago

International Literacy Day

Reading is so much fun, why not read Joy. Written by Corrinne Averiss, published by words & pictures.

4 years ago

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