
Hannah George


About Hannah George

Hannah George's love of drawing and storytelling began at a young age. As a child she carried her sketchbook everywhere capturing all her adventures and mischievous exploits. After graduating from Falmouth University in 2005 Hannah set about turning her favourite past time into a career. Her spontaneous use of line makes her style perfect for bringing characters to life. Hannah has worked with a huge range of clients illustrating everything from Alligators to Zebras!

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Read Chicken Mission: Danger in the Deep Dark Woods by Jennifer Gray from Faber & Faber - perfect for today!

5 days ago

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The Starlight Stables Gang by Jo Cotterill from ##Published## a perfect book for today.

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Jessie and the Star Rider by Jo Cotterill from ##Published## a perfect book for today.

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Ellie and the Pony Camp Mystery by Jo Cotterill from ##Published## a perfect book for today.

5 days ago

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Ellie and the Pony Camp Mystery by Jo Cotterill from ##Published## a perfect book for today.

5 days ago

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We think you'd love Chicken Mission: Danger in the Deep Dark Woods by Jennifer Gray from Faber & Faber

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Could there be a better time to read Ellie and the Pony Camp Mystery by Jo Cotterill from Puffin

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Could there be a better time to read Ellie and the Pony Camp Mystery by Jo Cotterill from Penguin Random House Children's UK

7 days ago

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