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Edith Carron is a french Illustrator and animator based in Berlin. Her work is spontaneous and colourful, and has been featured by the New York Times, The New Yorker, Gucci and Evian.
Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh
On this day 1888, Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear. Ouch! Learn about art with Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge and Edith Carron.
3 years ago
Could there be a better time to read Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
5 years ago
You should read Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
Love drawing? Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge from Wide Eyed Editions is brilliant!
Out now! Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge, illustrated by Lucy Brownridge. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge from Wide Eyed Editions is a brilliant book!
Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge from Wide Eyed Editions it's a wonderful book for your children
How do you and your kids relax? Why not read Portrait of an Artist: Vincent van Gogh by Lucy Brownridge from Wide Eyed Editions
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