Cally and Jimmy

Zoe Antoniades Katie Kear

About the book

'Your kids need this lovely book' Kate Beckinsale

'Warm-hearted, touching stories, full of fun but with a subtle message' Jacqueline Wilson

Four stories in one!

I have a twin brother. Everyone calls him Jimmy, which is sort of the English version of Dimitri, his actual Greek name. Our mum's Greek, you see. I'm Cally, short for Calista, which means, I don't want to sound big-headed or anything, 'most beautiful'. I'm not sure about Dimitri, but if Dimitri means most-annoying-brother-in-the-whole-wide-world, then that's him.

Join Cally and Jimmy in four hilarious stories, perfect for newly confident readers. They get into scrapes together, bake some poisonous cakes, almost ruin their school assembly and finally have a twintastic birthday party.

Publication Date
03 September 2020


Book Type
Paperback / softback


Cally and Jimmy - Jacket

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