An Adventurer's Guide to Outer Space

Isabel Thomas Yas Imamura

About the book

Blast off on an interactive voyage beyond the stars!

Pack your spacesuit and join adventurer Mia on a spellbinding journey to the depths of the universe, spotting spectacular constellations, discovering new asteroids and counting the sparkling rings of Saturn.

On your way, you can visit:

- the Moon and Sun
- the International Space Station
- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
- the Asteroid Belt
- the Dwarf Planets
- the Kuiper Belt
- Exoplanets
- the Milky Way and distant galaxies

With breathtaking facts and interactive space activities, this captivating book will excite and inspire the adventurers of the future.

Publication Date
10 September 2020


Book Type


An Adventurer's Guide to Outer Space - Jacket

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