
Vivian French


About Vivian French

Vivian French was best known at school for talking too much. She continued her attachment to words by becoming first an actor, then a storyteller and finally a writer of children's books. She now travels all over the world, telling stories and swapping ideas about books and writing with children and adults . . . and, she admits, she still talks too much.

Recent updates about Vivian French

Hippo Day

I Am Reading with CD: Mrs Hippo's Pizza Parlour is a great book to read to celebrate #HippoDay. By Vivian French and Clive Scruton from Macmillan Children's Books.

2 days ago

Valentine's Day

You should read Sparkle Street: Rosa Bloom's Flower Shop by Vivian French and Joanne Partis. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.

3 days ago

Valentine's Day

#ValentinesDay tomorrow, so why not read Sparkle Street: Rosa Bloom's Flower Shop by Vivian French from Macmillan Children's Books.

4 days ago

Pizza Day

Books about delicious food are definitely what Saturday is all about!!! I Am Reading with CD: Mrs Hippo's Pizza Parlour by Vivian French from Macmillan Children's Books.

8 days ago

Valentine's Day

This month is all about the heart so why not start it off with Sparkle Street: Rosa Bloom's Flower Shop by Vivian French and Joanne Partis from Macmillan Children's Books.

16 days ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Sparkle Street: Wizard Stargazer's Magic Shop by Vivian French from Macmillan Children's Books

20 days ago

National Storytelling Week

Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book The Snow Dragon by Vivian French from Corgi Childrens

20 days ago

Appreciate A Dragon Day

Dragons make the perfect picture book companion. The Snow Dragon by Vivian French from Corgi Childrens is a great read.

1 month ago

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