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Tom Angleberger is the author of the bestselling Origami Yoda series, as well as Fake Mustache and Horton Halfpott, both Edgar Award nominees, and The Qwikpick Papers series.
Inspector Flytrap in the Goat Who Chewed Too Much (Book #3)
To Kick a Corpse
Could there be a better time to read Fuzzy by Tom Angleberger from Amulet Books
3 months ago
Today's #bookbirthday book launch will be LIVE on @scholastic Home Base!!! Tune in at 2 Eastern -- or earlier if you need to start a Home Base account. Hope to see you there!
4 years ago
Today is the day to read this brilliant book (not that you needed an excuse!), Fuzzy by Tom Angleberger from Amulet Books.
A virtual Kidlit Book Fest! Please follow and support @EverywhereFest! Origami Yoda says "MUST!" Art by SuperFolder LaBlonde14
Looking for a new STEAM book? Meet Aliana! …
One month until the third and final Didi Dodo hits shelves! Illustrator Supreme @jaredchapman took on every crazy challenge I could throw at him! Thank you @abramskids !
Could there be a better time to read To Kick a Corpse by Tom Angleberger from Amulet Books
5 years ago
I’m at the #natlbookfest Book It booth! #bookitkid Come see me, fold an Origami Yoda and be part of a big mosaic!
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