The Works 8

John Foster

About the book

The Works 8 really does contain every shape, genre, style and form of poem that you will every need for the Literacy Hour, but it is also a book packed with fantastic poems that will delight every reader. Compiled by expert anthologist John Foster, this is an incredible alphabet of poetic forms which includes acrostics, ballads, cinquains, diary poems, epitaphs, fables, greetings, haiku, insults, jokes, kennings, limericks, metaphor poems, nonsense poems, odes, parodies, question poems, raps, sonnets, tanka, univolics, villanelles, warnings, x-ray poems, yearnings and zoo plaque poems.

Publication Date
06 February 2009

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


The Works 8 - Jacket

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