The Vicar of Nibbleswicke

Roald Dahl Quintin Blake

About the book

The Reverend Lee is suffering from a rare and acutely embarrassing condition: Back-to-Front Dyslexia. It affects only his speech, and he doesn't realize he's doing it, but the parishioners of Nibbleswicke are shocked and confused by his seemingly outrageous comments. At last a cure is found and the mild-mannered vicar can resume normal service. Or at least as normal as is possible for a man who must walk backwards to be sure of talking forwards!

A highly comic tale in the best Dahl tradition of craziness, written for the benefit of the Dyslexia Institute.

Publication Date
07 September 2017

Penguin Random House Children's UK

Book Type
Digital (delivered electronically)


The Vicar of Nibbleswicke - Jacket

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