The Pet Sitter: Beware the Werepup

Julie Sykes Nathan Reed

About the book

Max loves animals but his sneezy, allergic sister means no family pets. He's so happy when he realizes he can be a pet sitter. But with every new job he takes on there's always something a bit odd about the pet owner, which he can never put his finger on initially. Witches, fairies, goblins, mermaids - why can't he pet sit for an ordinary pet owner?
Max has to pet sit for a cute young werepup, owned by a not-cute old wizard. Fang has a bit of an odd name but he seems cuddly enough. Max's main priority is to make sure he takes Fang on his walkies secretly - as pets are not allowed in the wizard's apartment block. Max has everything under control until on one secret walk the clouds part and a full moon pops out...

Publication Date
20 September 2012

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Electronic book text


The Pet Sitter: Beware the Werepup - Jacket

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