
Susan Whelan


About Susan Whelan

Susan Whelan is a writer, editor, mother of three and passionate advocate for children's literacy. She's also the Managing Editor of highly respected children's literature website Kids' Book Review. She loves tea and chocolate, dislikes Brussels sprouts, and loves to read anywhere, anytime.

Recent updates about Susan Whelan

World Purple Day (epilepsy awareness)

#PurpleDay raises awareness of epilepsy. Wear purple, or read about purple. Don't Think About Purple Elephants by Susan Whelan from Exisle Kids.

4 years ago

Read a Book Day

Could there be a better time to read Don't Think About Purple Elephants by Susan Whelan.

5 years ago


We think you'd love Don't Think About Purple Elephants by Susan Whelan from Exisle Kids

5 years ago

My #LoveOzYA debut #MakingFriendswithAliceDyson is on an actual book shelf!! I think it's beginning to feel real now! :-) @WakefieldPress

5 years ago

Children’s books need the recognition they deserve @MartinFoleyMP The love of books & reading begins in childhood. Please include a children’s book category to the Victorian Premiere’s Literary Awards. Even better, make it two! One for novels and one for picture books.

5 years ago

Congratulations to all of the wonderfully creative authors and illustrators included on the 2019 CBCA Book of the Year Notables list. I'm so excited so see a few friends included.…

5 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Don't Think About Purple Elephants by Susan Whelan, illustrated by Susan Whelan. Published by Exisle Kids.

7 years ago

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