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Having initially trained as a graphic designer, Susan Steggall became a primary school teacher and taught young children for several years. After having her own two boys, she began work in a school library where she enjoyed finding out about new authors and illustrators and selecting beautiful new books for the shelves. As her boys grew up, she started making all sorts of pictures for them of the cars, trucks and trains they found so fascinating. After lots of experiments, the idea of using torn coloured and textured paper evolved. Susan lives in the New Forest in Hampshire. She makes the collages for her picture books in a wooden workshop in the garden, listening to her favourite music and drinking extraordinary amounts of tea. To visit Susan Steggall's website, click here
The Diggers are Coming!
First Wheels: Colours
Busy Boats
The Life of a Car
Red Car, Red Bus
Following the Tractor
Rattle and Rap
Busy Boats is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
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Leave the car at home and take a walk. You'll love Rattle and Rap by Susan Steggall. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
We think you'd love Busy Boats by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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Green for go! Have you read Red Car, Red Bus by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
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A book about people The Diggers are Coming! by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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Busy Boats by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a picture perfect read
This farm book is a great way to read all about farms Following the Tractor by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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Who lives there? Discover Busy Boats a great book by Susan Steggall from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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