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Steve Feasey lives with his family in Hertfordshire. He coaches under-8s rugby and is passionate about reading. He spends a lot of time visiting schools, talking about his favourite books, horror movies and his book Changeling.
New Steve Feasey series
Changeling: Zombie Dawn
Changeling: Demon Games
Changeling: Blood Wolf
Changeling: Dark Moon
A spooky one today... Changeling: Demon Games by Steve Feasey from Macmillan Children's Books
9 months ago
Happy World Book Night tonight (and today, for that matter). I thought I'd share what might be my all time favourite book with y'all. Because, why not?
4 years ago
Reading is so much fun, why not read Changeling. Written by Steve Feasey, published by Macmillan Children's Books.
5 years ago
Changeling is a wonderful book for your children.
#independentbookshopweek Get yourself down to your local bookshop (you know you love the smell as you walk in), and buy the one thing guaranteed to give you the experience of wonder and magic and freedom in this batshit crazy world. BOOKS
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In The Bookseller again. This is a big deal for us & we can’t wait. Vampirates is an amazing series. If you love pirates & vampires (& who doesn’t!)...excited! @JustinSomper @thebookseller
Day, er, 6 (I think) of Fantasy Faves, and I thought I'd bring things a bit more up to date with Nona Grey and Lawrence's fab world of Arbeth. To keep it quick: it's like Malory Towers meets John Wick with a… …
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