
Sophie Fatus


About Sophie Fatus

Sophie Fatus is a full-time illustrator whose beautiful and quirky portrayal of the world has brought many Barefoot Books stories to life, including If You�re Happy and You Know It! and Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush. Sophie makes her home in Florence, Italy._

Recent updates about Sophie Fatus

Libraries Week

How many books have you got? A library of books can be so inviting and exciting! Wonderful Words by Sophie Fatus from Barefoot Books.

4 months ago

International Day of Families

Wonderful Words is a great book by Sophie Fatus from Barefoot Books

9 months ago

National Arbor Day (US)

A remarkable book that your children will love. Story Tree, The BC with CD by Hugh Lupton and Sophie Fatus.

4 years ago

International Day of Happiness

A day of happiness! Here is a book that helps children to understand all different types of emotions. If You're Happy and You Know It BC W CDEX by Anna McQuinn from Barefoot Books.

4 years ago

World Storytelling Day

Story Tree, The BC with CD by Hugh Lupton and Sophie Fatus from Barefoot Books is brilliant!

4 years ago

National Tree Week

Could there be a better time to read Story Tree, The BC with CD by Hugh Lupton. Published by Barefoot Books.

5 years ago

World Children's Day

Could there be a better time to read Children of the World Memory Game by Sophie Fatus. Published by Barefoot Books.

5 years ago

International School Libraries Month

Could there be a better time to read Wonderful Words by Sophie Fatus. Published by Barefoot Books.

5 years ago

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