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Sarah Horne has been an illustrator for over fifteen years, she started her career working for newspapers such as the Guardian and the Independent On Sunday and has since illustrated many funny young fiction titles.She works traditionally with a dip pen and Indian ink, and finishes the work digitally.
Charlie Morphs Into a Mammoth
Charlie Turns Into a T-Rex
Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything
Greta and the Ghost Hunters
Let Sleeping Sea-Monsters Lie
Charlie Changes Into a Chicken
Spike and Ali Enson
A story all about friendship and friends. Charlie Changes Into a Chicken by Sam Copeland from Puffin.
27 days ago
A story all about friendship and friends. Charlie Turns Into a T-Rex by Sam Copeland from Penguin Random House Children's UK.
A story all about friendship and friends. Charlie Turns Into a T-Rex by Sam Copeland from Puffin.
Charlie Changes Into a Chicken by Sam Copeland from Penguin Random House Children's UK is the perfect friendship story.
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Greta and the Ghost Hunters from Puffin from Sam Copeland is a great one to read together.
1 month ago
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Greta and the Ghost Hunters from Penguin Random House Children's UK from Sam Copeland is a great one to read together.
Discover Let Sleeping Sea-Monsters Lie by Eva Ibbotson. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
3 months ago
Books can be so much fun, why not share this one Greta and the Ghost Hunters by Sam Copeland from Puffin
4 months ago
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