Author & Illustrator
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Sarah Adams studied Art and Design at Hull College of Art. After graduating she completed a post-graduate in illustration at Central St Martins School of Art in London. Sarah has worked for numerous and varied publishers including Walker Books, Orchard books and The Times but GARY AND RAY was the first picture book she both wrote and illustrated. She has exhibited her work widely in London both in mixed and solo shows. Her specialisation is Progressive Linocut. In 2007 she completed an MA in children's book illustration at the Ruskin School of Art Cambridge. She lives in Hoxton, London.
Dave and Violet
Gary and Ray
A book all about friends... Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
1 month ago
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Stories is so much fun, why not sit down and read Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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What's your favourite animal? Gary and Ray is full of them! By Sarah Adams, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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We think you'd love Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books - a book perfect for today!
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A book about people Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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