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Sally Pomme Clayton is an acclaimed storyteller. She co-founded The Company of Storytellers with Ben Haggarty and Hugh Lupton, spearheading the revival of storytelling in the UK. She tours throughout Britain, often performing at the British Museum, the Barbican, and the National Gallery. She was Royal Literary Fellow at the University of Westminster and City and Guilds of London Art School. She currently teaches at Rose Bruford College. Her first book for Frances Lincoln was Tales Told in Tents, followed by Amazons!, Persephone and Rama and Sita: Path of Flames. Visit Sally's website at
Greek Myths
It's cold outside, snuggle up with Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books, a great wintery book!
26 days ago
You'll love Greek Myths by Sally Pomme Clayton. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
1 month ago
Could there be a better time to read Greek Myths by Sally Pomme Clayton.
3 months ago
Amazons! by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a must for all children
Get stuck into Amazons! by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Take a piture or just look at one ... Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
5 months ago
Vegetables might be your worst nightmare or in your favourite dreams. Read Amazons! by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books (it’s all about dreams)
6 months ago
A classic story to celebrate International Children's Book Day, Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
4 years ago
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