
Sally Green


About Sally Green

Sally Green lives in Cheshire, England. She has had various jobs from her first paper-round to a career as an accountant, but in 2010 she started writing a novel and that changed her life. She still runs most days despite several attempts to give it up. Follow her on Twitter @Sa11eGreen.

Recent updates about Sally Green

Tell the truth day

A book all about the truth Half Lies by Sally Green from Penguin Random House Children's UK 

20 days ago

International Museums Day

Read The Burning Kingdoms (The Smoke Thieves Book 3) by Sally Green from Penguin to delve into the past!

2 months ago

International Museums Day

Half Bad by Sally Green from Penguin - the perfect book.

2 months ago

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister was the first person to run a 4 minute mile on this day 1954. Be inspired and try The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green. Published by Penguin.

2 months ago

Local and Community History Month

A book to enjoy and add to your bookshelves... The Burning Kingdoms (The Smoke Thieves Book 3) by Sally Green from Penguin.

2 months ago

Tell the truth day

A book all about the truth Half Lies by Sally Green from Penguin 

1 year ago

Sally Green

Out now! The Burning Kingdoms (The Smoke Thieves Book 3) by Sally Green,. Published by Penguin.

3 years ago

World Storytelling Day

You should read Half Lies by Sally Green. Published by Penguin.

4 years ago

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