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Rosie Greenwood is an innovative author and editor with more than twenty years' work in illustrated children's books. She has written about topics as diverse as oceans, horses, pyramids, and stars; including titles such as I Wonder Why Volcanoes Blow Their Tops and I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed the Ocean.
I Wonder Why Volcanoes Blow Their Tops
I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean
Who lives there? Discover I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean a great book by Rosie Greenwood from Kingfisher
9 months ago
Roger Bannister was the first person to run a 4 minute mile on this day 1954. Be inspired and try I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean by Rosie Greenwood. Published by Kingfisher.
10 months ago
We think you'll love I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean by Rosie Greenwood from Kingfisher
5 years ago
The ocean is a vast and mysterious place. Why not read I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean by Rosie Greenwood from Kingfisher to learn more about what makes it great!
Discover the creatures in the ocean in I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean by Rosie Greenwood from Kingfisher
Out now! I Wonder Why Volcanoes Blow Their Tops by Rosie Greenwood, illustrated by Rosie Greenwood. Published by Kingfisher.
12 years ago
Out now! I Wonder Why Columbus Crossed The Ocean by Rosie Greenwood, illustrated by Rosie Greenwood. Published by Kingfisher.
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