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Rebecca Mills is an Illustrator based in Perth, Western Australia. Her work is bright, colourful and fun, focused on balancing playfulness with purpose-driven design. Rebecca’s illustrations have made it into exhibitions and onto print, puzzles, clothing, stamps, even surfboards. Rebecca lives with her husband, two kids, and one very cute dog. Rebecca previously illustrated Bears (A Day in the Life).
Snakes (A Day in the Life)
Bears (A Day in the Life)
Find out about Polar Bears as well as other Arctic creatures in Bears (A Day in the Life) by Don W. Hardeman Jr.. Published by Neon Squid and perfect for #InternationalPolarBearDay.
14 days ago
Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. Bears (A Day in the Life) by Don W. Hardeman Jr. from Neon Squid is a great non-fiction read!
3 months ago
Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. Snakes (A Day in the Life) by Christian Cave from Neon Squid is a great non-fiction read!
Discover Snakes (A Day in the Life) by Christian Cave. Published by Neon Squid.
4 months ago
Bears (A Day in the Life) by Don W. Hardeman Jr. from Neon Squid is brilliant!
Could there be a better time to read Bears (A Day in the Life) by Don W. Hardeman Jr.. Published by Neon Squid.
What's your favourite animal? Bears (A Day in the Life) is full of them! By Don W. Hardeman Jr., published by Neon Squid
5 months ago
What's your favourite animal? Snakes (A Day in the Life) is full of them! By Christian Cave, published by Neon Squid
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