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Polly used to be a primary school teacher in London and while she was teaching there she used to get up very early in the morning to write stories. The first of those stories is now a book called Boy in the Tower.She’s still writing stories and though she doesn’t teach now, she still visit schools … only now they’re all over the country. She lives in Bristol with her husband Dan who designs the covers of her books.
Where Monsters Lie
Boy In The Tower
Fly Me Home
Penguin Readers Level 2: Boy In The Tower (ELT Graded Reader)
End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Fly Me Home by Polly Ho-Yen. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
11 days ago
End #InternationalFriendshipMonth by reading Fly Me Home by Polly Ho-Yen. Published by Corgi Childrens.
A story all about friendship and friends. Fly Me Home by Polly Ho-Yen from Corgi Childrens.
28 days ago
Fly Me Home by Polly Ho-Yen from Penguin Random House Children's UK is the perfect friendship story.
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Where Monsters Lie by Polly Ho-Yen from Penguin Random House Children's UK
1 month ago
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Where Monsters Lie by Polly Ho-Yen from Corgi Childrens
Fly Me Home, the perfect read while everyone still talking about the cold weather. By Polly Ho-Yen from Penguin Random House Children's UK
Fly Me Home, the perfect read while everyone still talking about the cold weather. By Polly Ho-Yen from Corgi Childrens
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