
Peter Gross


About Peter Gross

Peter Gross has filled theaters, wowed corporate headquarters and even appeared at the White House. He has performed on cruise ships around the world and been invited to perform at comedy festivals in Montreal, Vancouver and Charleston. Peter is based in the Boston area but performs regularly performs throughout the Northeast. Peter Gross is a comedian and knows how to do a couple of really cool tricks. He effortlessly combines stand-up comedy with sleight of hand to create a show that features audience interaction and participation, making each performance spontaneous and unique. He is currently performing his award-winning show "Magic & Other Suspect Activities."

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Why not be the star of the show with 101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr

5 years ago

A fun-tastic read...

101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr

5 years ago


101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr, why not get it for your kids!

5 years ago


It's #InternationalMomentofLaughterDay so read 101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr

5 years ago


A book to aid and inspire children to create 101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr

6 years ago

Saturday Reading

101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr is a great Saturday read.

6 years ago


All children find magic in something, and this is a magical time of year. Why not read 101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain with them to keep the magic going. By Peter Gross from Walter Foster Jr.

6 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! 101 Ways to Amaze & Entertain by Peter Gross, illustrated by Peter Gross. Published by Walter Foster Jr.

9 years ago

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